Parish Collection


Recognizing the Dignity and Physical Needs of the Poor

This November, our Faith Formation students are learning about an important facet of their Catholic faith: the Corporal Works of Mercy. This teaching from Jesus’s own words and example encourages us to support the physical needs of our suffering brothers & sisters. We are inviting our entire parish community to help provide the basic gifts of cleanliness and human dignity to someone in need! Find a list of recommended items below.


Donation Drop Off

Faith Formation students should bring their donations to class on November 12, 13, 14 and November 19, 20, 21. All other parishioners should bring their donations to church the weekends of November 9-10 and November 16-17.

Donation List

Cleaning and Paper Supplies

Paper Towels
Toilet paper
Dish soap
Laundry soap

Personal Care Items

Bath soap
Body Wash
Feminine Care


To learn about and get involved in the many ways our parish community lives out the Corporal Works of Mercy, visit our outreach page here.